Dapper Dog Grooming


Most of our pricing is easily found on our online booking tab, please feel free to have a look around there and most questions should be easily answered!

Pricing is based on the size of your pet and the service that is being selected. It may vary based on the condition of your pets coat, if you have any questions we would love to answer them for you! Don't hesitate to call or text us :)

Poodle/Poodle Mixes are the biggest varied price on our listing. The ranges are generally as follows:

Small Breed (0-25#) $65-75

Medium Breed (25-50#) $75-100

Large Breed (75-100#) $100-120

Giant Breed (100#+) $120-150

**Prices will vary depending on the style you prefer your poodle/poodle mix be trimmed or cut in & the condition of their coat. We strongly recommend all curly haired or long haired coats be on a 6-8 week schedule for optimal coat maintenance. But also understand this isn't always feasible. We will work with you to find the timing that is right for your pet, your lifestyle and your needs