Primped Pooches

WELCOME NEW CLIENTS - Please Fill Out The Form Below

After submitting your new client application (Form Below), text us...

New clients text us at 214-580-7318 let us and let us know you submitted your application.
Existing clients of Kaitlyn text at 214-493-9213 (during business hours) to schedule an appointment!
Existing clients of LaJaida text 469-438-0277

* RETURNING CLIENTS DO NOT COMPLETE ANOTHER FORM. Please text your groomer with your appointment request and she will schedule an appointment directly with you. You may also log into your account to view past and future appointments or edit your profile. Here is a link to the Pawfinity client site. This will open in a new tab.

We cannot block fire hydrants, mailboxes, neighbor's driveways, trash cans, or fire lanes. We require a very large parking area on a FLAT service.
First, Some Information About You