Pampered Paws

Contact Info and Policies

Pampered Paws Grooming Salon
142 W Water St. Chillicothe, OH 45601

Text or call: 740-649-7228
Instagram: Pamperedpawsonwater


Pampered paws requires for the safety of our staff, and the other pets in our care, that pets to be up-to-date on vaccinations given only by a veterinarian. We prefer owners to bring documentation from their vet at the time of visit (paper or online portal from your vet with dates given/or dates they expire) . If your appointment is on a weekend please ensure your veterinarian is open, should we need to call and confirm your pets vaccinations to avoid a $20 cancellation fee.
**We do not accept vaccines given by pet owner**
Pets MUST wait at least 24 hours after vaccinations are given before they can be groomed. Most pets don’t feel right after vaccination or have pain in the injection site and we want to make sure they have time to recover so that their experience with us is always fun and enjoyable. If your pet can no longer receive vaccinations, we require a letter from your veterinarian stating that your pet is not able to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.

Required vaccinations: Rabies, DHPP, and Bordetella.

**If pets are not up to date on all the above vaccinations at time of appointment, no services will be provided and a $20 cancellation fee will occur**


Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are running late to your appointment, please call or text to let us know as soon as possible.

Appointments 10-15 minutes late will be charged with an additional $10 late fee and may be asked to reschedule.

Appointments over 15 minutes late will most likely need to be rescheduled, will be required to keep a card on file for any future appointments, and will also be charged a $20 missed appointment fee.


We understand that life happens and sometimes you’ll need to cancel or reschedule. In such cases, we respectfully ask that you provide at least a 24 hour notice. Not giving us a 24 hour notice causes us to miss out on appointments that could’ve otherwise been filled and results in a loss of revenue.

**Appointments cancelled within 24 hours will be charged a $20 fee and will be required to keep a card on file in order to schedule future appointments.
-After the first late cancellation, if another occurs you will automatically be charged with a fee on $20 to the card on file.

***Clients who no call no show will be charged a fee of $45 and will be required to keep a card on file in order to book any future appointments.
-After the first no call no show, if another occurs you will automatically be charged with a fee on $45 to the card on file and you will no longer be able to book any future appointments with Pampered Paws Grooming Salon.


Please be mindful of the pick up time given to you at check in and pick up your pet within 30 mins of receiving a completion text or call. Since we have limited kennel space, being punctual to pick up is especially important. Failure to pick up within 30 mins of completion will be subject to an additional fee of $10 per 30 mins after. If client doesn’t arrive within one hour after closing, the pet will be left in the care of pampered paws grooming salon overnight with food and water and may be picked up the following day with an additional fee of $300.

We will contact you as soon as your pet is ready. Please do NOT arrive before you get a completion text or call. An excited pet can be dangerous to work on and once your pet is aware of your presence it may not be possible to safely finish grooming them.


We do accept walk ins only if no other dog is being currently groomed. Since we operate as a one-on-one salon, this means we will not pause a scheduled appointment for a walk in appointment and therefore cannot guarantee that we will be available for walk in services. It is strongly recommended to book an appointment in advance for walk in services such as:
-Nail trim/buffing
-ear cleaning
-Tidy up (no bath, trimming only: sanitary areas, by feet, and by eyes)
-brush/comb out (only available to pets NOT matted- this service is meant to PREVENT matting)


Just like humans, pets need daily dental care. It is a common misconception that having your pet’s teeth brushed once every 4-8 weeks alone is sufficient dental care. At Pampered Paws we believe that dental care is a vital part of a pet’s overall health and that it’s best maintained by the pet owner on a regular basis and also monitored by your veterinarian. For this reason, we do not offer teeth brushing services. We recommend clients brush their pet’s teeth at home daily OR give veterinary recommended dental treats daily as well as having your pet's teeth examined at your vet’s office every year.
If we happen to notice that your pet has a major dental concern, we will inform you.
If we have informed you that your pet has a major dental issue such as a broken or a loose tooth and no action is taken to fix the concerned area, we reserve the right to refuse service to your pet until the issue has been taken care of by a licensed veterinarian.


Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming and may require immediate medical attention. In the best interest of the pet, client hereby designates Pampered Paws Grooming Salon as agent, and understands that if Pampered Paws Grooming Salon is unable to contact the client first, then Pampered Paws Grooming Salon in its sole discretion, may engage the service of a veterinarian at client's expense.


Grooming procedures sometimes can be stressful, especially for a senior pet or a pet with health problems. Because senior pets and pets with known health problems have a greater chance of injury, these pets will be groom for cleanliness and comfort, in styles that will not add to their stress.

A “senior pet” is defined as:
Small breed dogs (under 25lbs): 11 and older
Medium breed dogs (25-60lbs): 9 and older
Large breed dogs (over 60lbs): 6 and older


For the safety of our staff, other pets and your pet, please inform us if your pet bitten someone/attempted to bite someone, is dog aggressive or has any aggressive tendencies whatsoever. If false representations about the pets behavior were made when asked during booking of an appointment, Pampered Paws Grooming Salon will discontinue services and client will still be responsible for the full grooming charge. Client will be liable for any injuries to groomer, other animals, or any property damage caused by their pet(s). For groomer safety, as well as the pet’s, Pampered Paws Grooming Salon has the right to use muzzles and stop/refuse service at any time in the event that a pet cannot be handled safely. For overly aggressive or overly stressed pets, Pampered Paws Grooming Salon will not be able to maintain you as a client.

** Due to the extra time and higher risk of injury to pet and groomer, you may likely be charged a handling fee in addition to the regular grooming charge**


Pets with matted coats need extra attention and care during their grooming session. Matted fur pulls and binds the skin, causing pain to your pet when they move or lay down. Imagine having a tight ponytail on your head that gets tighter and tighter but all over your body- this is just one example of the pain that your pet experiences when matting is present. The dematting process can be both a mentally and physically exhausting process as well as painful /stressful for both your pet and for your groomer. At Pampered Paws we practice humanity over vanity, and we will not put a pet in pain to please a person. In most cases, will attempt to demat in small areas as long as we find that the pet is not in pain during the process. It should be noted though, that dematting damages hair- therefore leaving it in a state that mats easier in the future, as a damaged coat mats faster than a healthy one. Depending on the severity of matting and the comfort level of the dog, we may find it necessary to shave the entire coat and start over. Because pets shaved very close are more prone to sunburn, we recommend sunscreen to be applied daily or that the pet be kept out of the sun until the hair grows sufficiently to protect the skin.

**We do not shave severely matted pets and pets in such a condition will be referred to a veterinarian. Pampered Paws has the right to stop the grooming process at any time and refer to a veterinarian if it is deemed that the pet is more matted than originally thought.

Because matted coats do not dry properly, they therefore trap moisture and bacteria between the skin and coat which can lead to many various conditions including but not limited to:
-hot spots and sores
-skin rashes, redness, and irritation
-fungal, bacterial, and yeast infections
-urine and feces scalding
-mites, fleas, or lice infestations
-maggot infestations
-eye and ear infections
-bruising of the skin
-loss of growth of hair

Severe cases of matting can also cause:
- prevention of urination/defecation
- Loss of circulation to extremities
- Mobility issues

Since skin underneath mats is often times raw and inflamed, the risk of nicking the skin or causing clipper burn during de-matting and/or clipping is higher. Pampered Paws will not be held responsible for any grooming injury to pets with matted coats. This includes any after grooming effects of dematting, which could include, but is not limited to: itchiness, skin redness, behavioral changes, or self-inflicted irritation/abrasions from excessive external rubbing. Of course, every precaution will be taken.

If you have a long haired pet and wish to maintain the long length, your dog must be brushed and combed thoroughly on a regular basis by you as the pet owner between regularly scheduled grooming appointments. If you require assistance in the proper tools or the proper use of tools to accomplish this, we will be happy to assist you as prevention is the best defense against matting.

**Extra charges will incur for dematting and a final quote cannot be given until your pet is finished. Charges are dependent on the size of dog, condition/degree of matting, cooperation of pet, and extra time spent to ensure safe removal of mats. **


We do not recommend shaving double or triple coated dogs (examples: labs, goldens, Pomeranians, Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, etc). The coat of these dogs in particular is designed to keep the dog’s temperature regulated in the same way that insulation keeps a house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The outer, protective layer is meant to protect the skin from the elements while also keeping the dog cool. If you strip the outer, protective coat away, you leave the skin in a very vulnerable state which in turn can lead to overheating, heatstroke and sun exposure which can then lead to skin cancer and burns. The undercoat grows at a much faster rate than the outer top coat, so when both the undercoat and top coat are shaved at once, the hair may grow back patchy, change color and texture or not grow back at all. Shaving a double/triple coated dog does NOT help with shedding, on the contrary the dog will shed even more after, just with smaller hairs. The only time we recommend shaving a double/triple coated dog is when matting is present and it is the only option.


If you are aware that your pet has fleas, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may use the proper precautions. If we find fleas or flea dirt to be present, your pet will be given a Capstar orally and bathed in a flea shampoo in order to maintain salon sanitation. We do not recommend using flea shampoo as a preventative measure as it can be very drying to the skin and can cause skin sensitivities. If your pet does have fleas, this service is by no means the only step that needs to be taken to rid the pet of fleas - We recommend that pets stay on flea and tick prevention given by a veterinarian year round as well as treating your home and yard with sprays such as knockout or adams spray.

**If fleas are present, an additional $21 fee with be added per pet.**


We strive to provide a service that pets enjoy and allows for a positive experience. Occasionally we use treats to reward positive behaviors and to help aid in situations where the pet may be otherwise uncooperative. We of course, only provide treats with your permission and if your pet has no known food allergies. If your pet has known food allergies, you may bring treats or food from home that you know are safe for them to consume. If your pet has any allergies to food or you wish that your pet not be given treats in their time with us, please let us know.


There is always the possibility an accident could occur. Grooming equipment is sharp, even though we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur, including cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails, etc. In most cases this can happen when a pet is wiggling or moving around. Every effort will be made to ensure your pet is groomed as safely as possible, but an excited, scared or nervous pet can be dangerous to work on.
In the instance where your pet needs medical care from an injury while in Pampered Paws care the groom will be stopped, you will be immediately notified, and we will transport your pet to the nearest open veterinary clinic for treatment.


At Pampered Paws we strive to provide you with the flexibility you need. For this reason we occasionally do business outside of our normal business hours/days. Services performed outside of normal business hours are charged at double the normal rate. With this in mind, if you would like to schedule an appointment outside of normal business hours/days please contact us to request an appointment as it will not let you book these appointments online.
PLEASE NOTE: These requests must be made in advance and depending on our schedule we may not be able to accommodate certain requests.


We reserve the right to photograph/video your pet for use in promotional material for Pampered Paws Grooming Salon.


Pampered Paws Grooming Salon reserves the right to refuse service to any customer at any time for any reason.
  • Pampered Paws
  • 142 W. Water St.
    Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
    United States